
DWF Germany Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

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Über uns

DWF is a leading legal businesses with an award-winning reputation for client service excellence and effective operational management. Named by the Financial Times as one of Europe’s most innovative law firms, DWF has been named in the top five for most recommended lawyers in the UK, by this year’s Legal 500 UK.

Employing over 2,300 people across the UK and Ireland, Germany, Dubai and Brussels, DWF is a full service firm with core strengths in corporate & banking, insurance and litigation, and in-depth industry expertise in several chosen sectors including central & local government; energy & industrials; financial services; real estate; retail, food & hospitality; technology; and transport.

The success of the DWF strategy is based on:

• Understanding our clients

• Engaging with our people

• Doing things differently

This enables us to add more value and to deliver legal solutions that enable our clients to excel.

Clients are at the heart of what we do and in today’s business environment, they want more value from their legal teams, greater transparency and an adaptable, flexible approach. This calls for something different from legal service providers.

At DWF, innovative thinking is part of our DNA. We use technology to enhance client perspectives, providing insights which can be used to help drive improvements in their business. Clients see what we see - it’s a unique and alternative approach to delivering legal services.

The DWF client approach has been shaped by our professionals’ varied backgrounds in large law firms, legal departments, management boards of publicly-traded companies, universities and foreign diplomatic service. Our clients appreciate that we not only provide answers to their legal or taxation questions, but we also understand and promote their businesses. At DWF, clients can expect an answer to the question “What would you do if you were in my shoes?”

We do not present vague or hypothetical advice without clear answers. Instead, we work hard to understand and engage, to find our what out clients need, and develop a tailored solution together - earning us a place amongst the leaders for client satisfaction.

It’s not just what we deliver, it’s how we do it.

Our innovative culture is hard-wired into our business objectives, and we engage with and listen to all our people to ensure that they are working proactively together to create an outstanding client experience.

DWF is more than a just a law firm - we are a legal business.


Corporate / M&A Distribution Law General Commercial Employment Technology Real Estate Retail

Strategische Ausrichtung

Our regional practice areas include the UK, Dubai, Germany, Ireland and Belgium. We are represented in each of these locales by our own offices. We maintain a strong network in the US and ascross Europe enabling us to serve our client in all major jurisdictions.

We know that foreign language skills, cultural understanding and access to expansive networks can make all the difference.

Bedeutende Mandate

  • Deutsche Telekom

  • Aspen Group

  • Warnecke & Böhm

  • IndustrieHansa

  • Carbo Kohlensäurewerke

  • First Georgia BioEnergy

  • RWE


  • Hamberger Flooring

Besonderheiten für Associates

  • Mentorenprogramm

  • starke Teamzusammenarbeit

  • unmittelbare Mandatsarbeit

Fort- und Weiterbildung (intern / extern)

  • Regelmäßige externe und interne Fortbildung

  • Förderung des Erwerbs von Fachanwaltschaften

Geplante Einstellungen im nächsten Kalenderjahr


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